Swetha Basavaiah
Introducing to you the official titleholder of Miss Runway Model Universe – INDIA (Swetha). She is the unstoppable inspiration of her country INDIA to represent and compete with the 1st INAUGURAL celebrations of the RUNWAY MODEL UNIVERSE in Manila, Philippines. #runwaymodeluniverse2022

My story:
I started my modelling journey by doing a regional Pageantry shows. At the initial days I didn’t even have much of knowledge on how actually shows look and how it works. It took great courage and confidence to come up and face the pageantry world.
Coming from a small town from southern part of India. I never imagined that I would be blessed with the opportunity to represent my country on an international platform. I believed in myself ,kept that potential to be a part of RMU (that is my first international show) . There are many people out there who want to achieve their goals but they are sacred of taking that first baby step, I would like to say that everyone can make their dreams come true if they start to face it by leaving all the stereotypes and fear back. That initial step can lead to one or the other beautiful destination . And I would really extend a helping hand who wants to be an achiever irrespective of the fields. Stay confident, stay focused.
Have faith and belief in yourself, Because it a Journey from
“Dreamer to achiever “